Áslaug Íris Katrín Friðjónsdóttir


Áslaug Íris Katrín Friðjónsdóttir


b. 1981



Listaháskóli Íslands, B.A. 2006
School of Fine Arts, New York City, MFA, 2009

Main Exhibitions:

Listasafn Akureyrar, Rými málverksins,  2012
Ásmundarsafn „Ég hef aldrei séð fígúratíft rafmagn“, 2014
Hverfisgallerí, Yfirborð, einkasýning, 2015
Listasafn Reykjavíkur, Hafnarhúsið, Mynd// Hlutur,  2015

„ It´s important for a modern society to have a living abstract tradition. A tradition that you can relate to sensually rather than ideologically. Abstract art speaks an international language, rather like music.

In spite of working in an abstract manner, I believe my work connects directly with the present, for instance through the materials I use. I use floor linoleum, along with watercolours, pencil, acrylics, spray paint etc. The linoleum parts are imitations of natural stone, and when I use them I am referring on the one hand to classical art, on the other it is a comment on our modern urban environment (houses, apartments).

When I did my graduate studies in New York, a new world opened up to me. I was spared the emphasis on conceptual art making that you find in Iceland. I was made to understand that all forms of art were of equal value. If you wanted to put the colour blue in a particular place, you were perfectly free to do so, because you were using the colour red in another place, it was all a matter of respecting the visual context of the work in hand. In New York I also met teachers and students who spoke my language. The language of form, colour, materials and composition.“